Wednesday 7 March 2012

None the Wiser? ©

24 going on 25, none the wiser?

A quarter of a century, a quarter of the being a kid to an adult, a quarter of pain misery & love, sadness & happiness, tears & joys, heartbreaks & heartjoins (??), depression & ecstasy, stupid stupid decisions to the smart choices (usually the former), dull moments to life changing situations, the friends lost to the best friends forever, the TV to the laptops, the hi5s to the facebooks, the hotmails to the gmails, the playgrounds to the social network, the velaness to the waiting for a non working weekend...STOP..okay so this really can go on and on and on..and on..

Being almost 25 is not a very nice age to be. It’s like you are sitting on the middle of the seesaw: the un-adulthood part of adulthood pulling you to one side and the mature part of adulthood with its marriage, growing up, having kids and having your own family pulling you the other side. Not a good place to be in being pulled by two, one does feel very “tear”able. The see-saw is there for everyone to see!

The thing that I often discuss with my best friend is that facebook for us has now transformed from a site with information about who is dating who and hitting which parties to who is marrying who, who is getting engaged to who and who had a kid! We often cry to each other in shock about how many people we know who are getting married or engaged. We are still holding on to our idea (since 18) of being too young for I said we are almost 25 now, so yes we are very delusional and would like to continue believing we are too young and babies for things like marriage. There are many like us, around us. I am sure if facebook did a survey on the most common status posted by people in our age group, it would be the now immortalized quote by Barney Stinson on growing up- “Everyone I know is getting married or pregnant. I’m just getting more awesome”..which by the way is a big lie both on-screen & off-screen. Even in the show while everyone is moving on Barney’s character is becoming stale! So yes while everyone is getting married, pregnant or engaged are those like us sitting in the middle of the see-saw just getting older and stagnant? 

The good thing that is supposed to happen with age is that we are supposed to become wiser(?!). I often wonder, how wiser are we than the 15 year old us? Smarter and shrewder..maybe, learnt our  way around..somewhat in process, got good at doing something and pretending we never did it..definitely, learnt a few tricks of the trade liking acting we are okay when we are not, lying that we are fine when we are hurting, saying things we really do not mean, making promises we know we shall never keep, being diplomatic..ofcourse that is how we are surviving. So have we really become any wiser or have we just become more cynical?

Thinking about jotting down things I learnt or misinterpreted as learnings (:P) over the years (ofcourse keeping it as light as possible). Things which I am sure most of my friends would agree with me on. So is this a guide to being 24 on 25? Umm, no. Me guide? Ha. Have a read. Be amused.

Have a dog, they are adorable and the cutest little big pooches in this world. If nothing, a dog can teach you all about unconditional love and the art of the never ending want for something (food in their case)

Your work if not your life, is a big part of your life. It is humanely impossible disconnect yourself from something you do 12 hours a day 5-6 times a week, so *obscene rude  gesture* to those who say anything else!

Have a boyfriend but have a best friend forever aka bff. A bf will occasionally let you down, a bff will hardly ever. It is probably the best fun relationship you will have. Oh you will fight, never for one second think you won’t, you will, probably more horrible than fighting with your bf..but it is more than worth it.

Have your group of girls or gang of lifelines as I like to call them (I am pretty sure they do not know this and will probably kill me if they read it so I suggest scratch that :P). They are the best support system you need in your life. Venting to them is the best feeling ever- it does not necessarily have to be over a couple of cosmopolitans as the girls in sex and the city taught us, it could just be over coffee! And for your own sake please stop calling your female friends “Bithces” post your 21st birthday.

Please do not write please as “puh-lease” post your 18th birthday or rather ever.

Being in a relationship will not always be like a gala time. You do have to work on it sometimes, but if it’s too much work then it’s honestly not worth it because love & being with someone has to come naturally.

Love your boyfriend. Forgive him easily when he does those stupid things and forgets easily, he is man remember?

There is a cave-man in every man. No I do not speak about the metro sexual varity. They are beyond my understanding. I go "blank blank not able to process, super confusion over sex of person" like a robot when I meet one. 

Love is immortal.

Tired of having some people constantly letting you down? Let them down and out of your life! Do not waste time on people who will never really waste that much time on you.

Love your family. We can’t choose our family yet it is the best we will get in our life. Spend as much time as you can with them.

The always right. No arguments & no explanations. So if she tells you to carry an umbrella on a not so cloudy day or wear an extra sweater because she thinks you might fall sick- just do it. Chances are even if the sun is shining with all its glory that day, the clouds will find a way to rain and if you choose not to wear that sweater you will catch a cold. It is the power of mother. Respect it!

When we were 17-18 years old they used to tell us about how rich people with their own companies like Steve Jobs and Bill Gates had dropped out of college, making us feel cool that we were rebellious, hated authority and education and believe we could still get awesome in life. What they never told us then was that these people were geniuses who already acquired more knowledge on their own than school could ever teach them and they dropped out because they wanted to build their dreams not because they were laid back people who wanted to wail away their time. Lesson? Do not believe everything that is said to motivate you!

Please do not write “cum” when you mean “come”..everyone above the age of 16 knows the difference (given the way the younger generation is growing up I should just make that 8). So it is amusing to most of us when you write- “I will cum soon”. Please don’t. My friend Anusha & I actually judged the direction of how our friendship would go depending on how we wrote the word come in the smses. After getting along well over a few days in college while smsing each other she was checking if I would write come or cum and I was checking the same about her!! And when we shared this we admitted had the word “cum” been written it would have been bye bye tata friendship.

Photoshop just might be the best invention of all time followed by the wheel. Don’t believe me? Ask any girl around you.

Learn sarcasm. If it does not come naturally, buy a book or google it. But learn sarcasm.

We love our slangs. But please do not end up writing lol in your answer sheet in an exam or some interview.

Never judge a book by its cover, judge it by the number of pages it has & the photo of the author. Haha. Okay not really. Read. I could never really convince my boyfriend to do it so I encourage the rest of you. Help “man”-kind.

You are too young to get married, always. Remember this. No matter what your parents say.

Love vampires (and love Stefan more than Damon, really don’t try to be a bad girl in love with bad boys :P)

Now before this list goes from okayish random to totally random I need to put a stop to the writing. Just one last thing- Believe in the power of true love &  in the power of friendship- “some friendships are like coke, they fizz away if they are open for too long..others are like juice, they were always natural and never needed any fizz to fake start it.. “

"Too sentimental..Can't process, feel like a man" :P ..Over & Out.

1 comment:

  1. first official follower of the blog!
    u got a great thing going..keep em coming!
    P.S love dis one.
