Wednesday 7 March 2012


We all feel rage and anger when something bad happens to us or people we love. When we don't get things we want in life. But if I may ask, who said life would always be a bed of roses? Who said there would be equality- all people would live disease free for all their lives, who said there would be no pain, no suffering, no agony? Who said life would be fair? Who said believing in God would mean your life is perfect always or that we would understand his grand plan soon? Who said bad things won't happen if we believed in God?

Another thing- our parents love us right? So when we are 4 years old and craving for that lovely dairy milk, they don't give it to us. At that time, we think they are evil and hate them for it. Then when we turn 16 and want to go to those late night parties, they give us tight curfews and we despise them. And when you become an adult, a little more mature, you do understand why they did those things. It wasn't that they didn't want you to be happy. They did it because they cared. Because they wanted the best for us. Because they wanted to protect us. That was the bigger picture which our kid brains could not get.

Also when something good happens to only us, we never question God and ask why me? So what right do we have to question him when something bad happens to us or people we love?

I believe there is a greater plan. Why? Cos if we can't answer all the questions that come to our head, it means that there are things we don't see. Things that are a part of the greater plan. It is just like when you are near your house, you see only your house and maybe one or two others which are close by, but if you go far away or better still go into a plane and look from above you can see so many houses etc. Its the bigger picture which only becomes clearer when we cross a distance.

And incase there isn't a bigger plan then guess what? Live your life anyway. I mean, it just what maximum 70-80 years of pain, misery, happiness and joy. Live if with all its ups and downs not believing in a higher power. Take what you get, shout out loud- life is a bitch and move on. Crib about how life in unfair, mean, etc. Feel suicidal at times. Drink yourself down when you are low or drink yourself up when you are happy. But tell me isn't it better to believe that everything that happens, happens for a reason? Cos else this life just seems like- meaningless. Sometimes we believe because we need to believe, cos without that belief we would be worse off than we already are.

I do no speak all this because I am a blind God lover who has had a strong faith always. Infact most of the times I do wonder if I believe because I have faith in the higher power or because I need to believe to get on in my life.

At the end of the day I do accept, faith has got me through some tough things in my life. I have seen the bigger picture at times and been happy in the end. I have also seen the bigger picture, understood and still wished things were a different way. A heart wants what it wants. So though my faith has wavered at times and probably will in the future because as a person I will always be flawed, but one thing is for certain..I respect faith.

Happy 2011.

Take care.

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