Thursday 5 April 2012

(Short Story) The Pink B**** ©

1st April 2011

It’s not easy admitting to you own self about how broken you are. Sometimes it is not easy even admitting that you are broken in the first place. You go to office, keep the un-bailable social engagements, sleep at a decent time, pick up no vices, smile when needed and laugh when required. It is tough for anyone to think that you are enduring a broken heart. And among all those games faces you put up, you yourself forget that it’s just a face to conceal the brokenness within. Sitting and crying in my mom’s lap, the one woman I love the most did the realization come to me- that it hurt like hell. And no matter how many games faces I had, there was no way to turn off the pain, no way to put it off any longer. I had a broken heart and a failed relationship. It was time to accept both those facts and move on.

For people like me, the ones who are totally control oriented, like knowing where their life is going, like being stable, like having safety net- this isn’t easy. The pain comes in not only admitting to others but most is admitting to self. That something you loved the most; failed. Something you were proud of; failed. The person who you were proud of; Dawning? About time. At 25 years, the relationship I spent my early adult life in, spend my early adult life nurturing, failed me. Wow.

I went back to my room. Sat on the bed, placed my head between my own hands and cried. All I could think was that I felt alone. Screwed over. Taken for granted. Left. The last one rang over me, again and again and again. It was like someone had made a joke out my life- hey, here it is great relationship, bundles of love, so much happiness..never alone..<drum rolls>..oh we were are meant to be alone and fucked up..

I met Rahul when I was 18, the first day of college. We had what you called the picture perfect romance. He saw me, I saw him..our eyes met..and that was it. We fell deeply madly in love with each other. The people stopped existing. It was just me for him and him for me. 4 years of togetherness during college. The next two years doing our MBA together, got into jobs in the same city and joined with plans to get married within one year. And it’s been one year. Look at where we are at.

15th May 2011
I accept people cheat, people lie, and people do bad things. I get that sometimes there is no right or wrong and things aren’t always black or white. I accept that it can be grey but it would be gray with me is something I could not imagine. Rahul would cheat on me; I could not imagine or even dream of that. The only thing that made me feel better was that he came and told me what he did. He did not try to hide it. His honesty, it’s what made me love him so much and now it was what made me hate him. In my darkest alone times, I even wished that why did he tell me. I could have lived not knowing and thinking the best of him. It’s funny how our pain and desperation mixed together can make us wish for the stupidest things. A few times I even thought I should forgive him and let it g, so many women do it, why could I not? Plus I had a guy who was honest. So maybe it meant something. Luckily for me I snapped out of it when I thought such things. Made me realize, the human mind and heart when grappling with pain are totally willing to let the self respect go the shambles just to get out of the pain.

18th November 2011
Days passed into weeks. Weeks passed into months. The smile on my face refused to return. My friends tried to get in but after facing the wall I put up for a few times, they gave up. Maybe that’s what I wanted. To be left completely alone. My family tried their best to cheer me up, to not leave me alone but there was only so much they could do. Rahul, well Rahul had decided to move on. He was now dating the girl he cheated on me with. I got to know this through one of my friends. This was a piece of information I would not want to know, she told me because she thought it would help me get out of this relationship. But unfortunately it put me deeper inside. Why was it that it was him the so easily move on..but for me the cheated upon to still grasp onto the broken pieces of the relationship? How could he be so much more rational and understand that it didn’t work out and move on? Did he have a switch in his body with which he could turn our relationship off? Then why didn’t I? Why could I just not hate him and move on? I had said everything I ever wanted to him, I had abused him, cried infront of him and got all the feelings out of my system. But still I just could not get out. He was there living his life with nothing more than a memory of us and here I was trying to make sense of what happened.

Wake up. Office. Home. My life.

26th February 2012
It’s almost going to be a year since I broke up with he who must not be named. Yes he is addressed as him or he who must not be named. I prefer thinking of him like Lord Voldemort, the evil force. Spending years with one person makes you so dependent on them that the first part of recovery post a breakup is actually leaning to live alone and be independent. There is no one to wake you up in the morning, no one to chat through the day, no one to instantly call when you have something to share, no one to meet and have dates with, no one waiting for you to go home and no one to wish sweet goodnights to. Worst of all, the feeling you have, the one where you always feel safe in your heart because you know there is someone out there for you who loves you like crazy, that feeling goes and all you are left with is emptiness. After living as two you are suddenly out all alone fending for yourself. Well I took it in steps.

Step 1, learning to be alone & not fearing it.
Step 2, reaching out to all my friends and family.
Step 3, keeping busy.
Step 4, not thinking about he who must not be named.
Step 5..well somewhere along the way of doing all those steps I realized, I really didn’t miss him that much anymore.

4th April 2012
It’s been more than a year. I remember this time. I always will. I think of how I felt a year back and how I feel now. The pain has subsided. The life has resumed. Time does heal a lot of things. It does make the pain easier to deal with, the hurt to subside and the alone-ness to fade. The only thing it doesn’t do is teach you how to forgive. I keep hearing it will. I guess I need more time to reach that phase. I am over him, him as in Rahul. Yes we can name him now. He isn’t that evil. Maybe someday I will be friends with him and we will laugh back at what happened between us and I will pull his leg for cheating on me, I will understand what he did and forgive him. Someday, but not anytime soon. Till then I m happy hating him. Scratch that, disliking him. Hate is too strong a word. Hate is black. And since I can’t have white, I prefer to be in the pinks now. They are the girlier versions of the greys. He was only human because he cheated on me, I am also human so I can dislike him & etc all is fair. I heard somewhere that behind every bitch is a man who turned her into one. And bitches live in the pinks baby. Amen to that.

See Pink Butterfly Hair